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Capitol Correspondence - 07.13.21

For Now, CDC Does Not Find Need for COVID-19 Boosters

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To help our members plan their operations later this year, we share this reporting from The Hill on the current federal perspective on COVID-19 vaccine boosters:

“Anthony Fauci said on Sunday that there is no need for Americans to get a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot, according to current data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

On CNN’s ‘State of the Union,’ host Jake Tapper asked the nation’s leading infectious diseases expert if booster shots could theoretically help vulnerable people, referring to a Reuters report that said Israel would start offering a third Pfizer shot to adults it considered vulnerable. 

‘Well, certainly they theoretically could. What the CDC and the FDA were saying, Jake, is that right now, given the data and the information we have, we do not need to give people a third shot, a boost superimposed upon the two doses you get with the mRNA and the one dose you get with [Johnson & Johnson],’ Fauci said.

However, Fauci said that research is currently being conducted to determine if this guidance will change. He cautioned that the current guidance did not imply it would not be changed later.”

Suggested reading: How the Biden Administration’s internal discussions are evolving on vaccine boosters.