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Capitol Correspondence - 03.10.20

Person-Centered Planning Resource: Federal Webinar on Stakeholder Engagement

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As announced by the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS), which falls under the Administration for Community Living (ACL):

The PAE Attention Framework: Understanding the Ingredients for Successful Stakeholder Engagement

March 30, 2020, 1-2:30 PM, EST

To register, visit:  

Stakeholder engagement is essential for successful transformation to more person-centered practices. Stakeholders, including those with lived experience, informal support networks, providers, and broader communities, all have invaluable insights to inform re-design, ensure buy-in, and support implementation. Even so, stakeholder engagement is a stumbling block for many program administrators spearheading systems change efforts. This webinar will: 1) examine the common benefits and obstacles to meaningful stakeholder engagement, 2) review a simple framework to guide engagement activities, and 3) provide real life examples of how this framework can build stakeholder trust and sustainable engagement strategies for success.”

The list of speakers for the webinar is available here.