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Capitol Correspondence - 06.17.19

Resource: Article on Aligning Financial Institutions with Goals of ADA

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ANCOR is sharing this article, written by the National Disability Institute (NDI) and published in the Georgetown Journal of Poverty and Law, because of the importance of ensuring fiscal health and stability for people with disabilities. People with disabilities lag behind their peers without disabilities in wealth, experiencing poverty at much higher rates.

As written by NDI in summarizing the article:

“The article examines approaches in law and policy that would improve the alignment of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) with the goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act to guide financial institutions to better identify and meet the needs of people with disabilities so that they are not left further behind in their struggle for economic opportunity, stability and mobility. The article represents a first step in a major focus of NDI to educate federal bank regulators, financial institutions, community and disability-specific focused nonprofits to apply the requirements of CRA to ensure that coverage extends more comprehensively to low and moderate income (LMI) individuals with disabilities who make up a disproportionate share of the population of LMI neighborhoods.

This article represents the beginning of activities that will become a part of a soon to be launched, new, NDI-managed Center on Disability-Inclusive Community Development. The goal of the Center is to improve the financial well-being of low and moderate income (LMI) persons with disabilities and their families by increasing awareness and usage of the opportunities and resources available under to the Community Reinvestment Act.”