Capitol Correspondence - 11.15.21

White House Announces $150 Million for Public Health Workforce to Support People with Disabilities

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On Wednesday, the Biden administration announced it was awarding $150 million in American Rescue Plan funds to the Administration for Community Living (ACL) to support the public health workforce that directly supports people with disabilities and older adults that are at heightened risk for severe COVID-19 illness.

The funding is intended to be used for wages and benefits for public health professionals within disability and aging networks. Eligible beneficiaries of the funding include:

  • Independent Living Centers
  • Independent Living Designated State Entities
  • No Wrong Door Systems/Aging and Disability Resource Centers
  • Paralysis and Limb Loss Resource Centers
  • Protection & Advocacy Systems
  • State Assistive Technology Programs
  • State Councils on Developmental Disabilities
  • State Health Insurance Assistance Programs
  • State Units on Aging/Area Agencies on Aging
  • Traumatic Brain Injury State Partnership Programs
  • Tribes and Tribal Organizations
  • University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities

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