Capitol Correspondence - 02.01.22

ANCOR Continues Advocacy Efforts in Support of HCBS Funding in Build Back Better Legislation

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The Build Back Better Act continues to remain on hold in the U.S. Senate while both the House and Senate concentrate on pulling together and passing a spending bill to ensure the government is funded past the current continuing resolution’s February 18 deadline. In addition, the announcement last week of Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement from the Supreme Court will likely temporarily shift focus in the Senate on moving forward a Supreme Court nominee quickly. President Biden has stated his intent to announce his nomiee to replace Justice Breyer by the end of the month. 

In the midst of competing priorities in the Senate, ANCOR continues to advocate for the inclusion of funding for the Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program as part of the Build Back Better Act legislation. This week, ANCOR joined a letter signed by over 150 organizations in support for funding for HCBS. We also urge ANCOR members to take action and contact their Senators to support HCBS funding as part of any revised Build Back Better legislation.

ANCOR will continue to monitor developments with the Build Back Better Act legislation, especially as they relate to ANCOR priorities in the legislative package.

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