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Capitol Correspondence - 10.29.24

CMS Announces Training on Rate Setting for Remote HCBS Delivery in 1915(c) Waiver Programs

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a training session titled “Rate Setting Considerations for Remote Delivery of Services in 1915(c) Waiver Programs,” which will take place on November 13 from 1:30-3 pm EST. This training aims to provide an in-depth overview of home and community-based services (HCBS) delivered remotely within 1915(c) waiver programs, with a focus on how states can structure and establish payment rates for these services.

Key Areas of Focus:

  • Overview of Remote HCBS Delivery: CMS will provide guidance on how 1915(c) waiver programs can support the remote delivery of HCBS, a format that gained importance during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE).
  • Federal Requirements & Flexibilities: Attendees will learn about federal guidelines and available flexibilities for remote services, both from the PHE period and beyond, ensuring states remain compliant while maximizing efficiency.
  • State Examples and Best Practices: CMS will highlight various state approaches, showcasing promising practices in adopting remote services and designing effective rate methodologies. This includes strategies for setting fair rates, monitoring service quality, and adapting to unique state needs.

Learn more and register for the training.