The State of America's Direct Support Workforce Crisis 2024

New report sheds light on persistent problems facing community providers due to ongoing recruitment and retention challenges
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ANCOR News - 03.16.21

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources: Increasing Vaccine Uptake in Diverse Communities, NCI Data Brief, Equity Framework

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We anticipate the following resources will be useful to our members as they continue to engage to make their communities more diverse, equitable and inclusive:

  • A Health Evolution article listing 10 steps [CEOS can take] to increase vaccine confidence and accessibility in the diverse communities they serve.
  • A National Core Indicators data brief which reviews “differences in personal characteristics, demographics, and outcomes of Black respondents to the In-Person Survey when compared to white respondents. [The report] also provide suggestions for public managers, service providers, people with lived experience and other stakeholders regarding how they might use this information to plan for and support equity in service delivery.”
  • A Georgia State University article, written in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, laying out a framework that explains the overlap between health and racial equity.