Capitol Correspondence - 03.12.24

President Biden’s 2025 Budget Includes $150 Billion for HCBS

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President Biden’s fiscal 2025 budget proposes what would be a significant leap toward safeguarding the future of Medicaid-funded home and community-based services (HCBS) by proposing a $150 billion, 10-year investment for Medicaid HCBS, consistent with President Biden’s comments in his State of the Union address last week.

The president recognizes that more than three-quarters of home and community-based service providers are not accepting new clients, referencing data directly from ANCOR’s 2023 report, The State of America’s Direct Support Workforce Crisis.

Additionally, the proposed budget allocates $130.7 billion to Health and Human Services (HHS), a notable $2.2 billion increase from 2023, which not only reflects financial commitment but also aligns with President Biden’s State of the Union address promises.

The release of the proposed budget marks the initial phase of the process, and there remains substantial work ahead. Congressional appropriators are set to commence the drafting of legislation, and ANCOR is committed to collaborating closely with partner organizations.

ANCOR encourages self-advocates, their families, and our members to amplify their voices and ensure that policymakers understand the critical role that home and community-based services play in the lives of people with I/DD.

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