Capitol Correspondence - 09.21.21

ANCOR Weighs In On Budget Reconciliation Legislation: $190 Billion Is Not Enough

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In response to the U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce’s recommendation to include $190 billion for Medicaid HCBS in the budget resolution—as opposed to the $400 billion originally proposed by President Biden and Senate Democrats—ANCOR issued a statement criticizing the Committee’s proposed investment and calling on members of Congress to fully fund HCBS. Read the statement.

ANCOR also sent a letter to congressional leadership asking that as the final budget reconciliation package is being negotiated, $400 billion be included for HCBS. Read the letter.

You can support these asks by contacting your Senators and Representative and asking them to support $400 billion for HCBS. Please take action through our action alert and continue to share it with your networks.

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